Wars generally do not resolve the problems for which they are fought and therefore… prove ultimately futile. 

Mateusz Waszczuk
Mateusz Waszczuk
In Foundation since 2007

Mateusz Waszczuk – he has been our scholar for eight years. The Foundation gave him motivation to become better and better as a student and incentive for social volunteering . As he admits himself – this is where he became brave and ready to talk to other people about God. Corporate prayer, fun and work in Warsaw Academic Community – which he had been a chairman for 2 years of – taught him how to be truly responsible and shaped his character with Christian values. Today, he’s trying to share with others all the things he has learnt as a scholar – e.g. by his investment in the annual project of “Szlachetna Paczka” (“The Noble Package”; a voluntary action consisting in supporting the poorest by sending them food, cleaning, clothes, toys and school supplies for children etc. These people are given these things, especially in Christmas period, and collect money themselves to make as many packages as possible).

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Magdalena Kaczor
Magdalena Kaczor
In Foundation since 2008

Magda – her adventure with the Foundation started in 2008. There she found strength in faith and friends, who are testimony of Christian life to her and motivation to work on herself. Involvement in life of Warsaw Academic Society and ‘Szlachetna Paczka’ project, in which she was a volunteer, a leader, a spokesman and a supporter, inspired her to serve others. First missionary among scholars and first scholar among missionaries! She served in Hungary, Romania and also in Mexico, from where she came back a few months ago. Regardless of where she is at the moment, Magda wants to testify about God’s Love.

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Adam Kopacki
Adam Kopacki
In Foundation since 2009

Adam Kopacki – a student of international relations at the University of Warsaw. He got into the Charity in his second year of middle school. Adam comes from a small town in the province of Łódź but in high school he moved to Warsaw to learn and develop his skills there. He says that in the Charity he got the chance to grow as a person and deepen his relationship with God. However the most valuable for him are the friendships he made during his time as a scholar. As well as being a volunteer, he is also involved in non-governmental organizations and scientific circles.

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Robert Nowicki
Robert Nowicki

Robert – he got to know the Foundation firstly as a Cub, then as a Scout by joining in to an annual fundraising during the Pope’s Day. Afterwards, thanks to the help he received from his teachers, he became a member of Foundation.
Foundation helped him to develop his greatest passion to astronomy and therefore start this amazing journey with astrography, which he has continued during an internship at CERN. While being a member of FDNT he got involved into volunteering at “DAM siebie” Foundation, Scout Rescue Club PCK and SzlachetnaPaczka. Moreover, a membership in FDNT let him find friends who just like him, are always ready to sacrifice themselves to help others. It gave him motivation and a belief that he holds the power to change his immediate area.

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Beata Tkaczyk
Beata Tkaczyk
In Foundation since 2007

Beata says about Fundacja, that thanks to it, she found a courage to dream. Thanks to this courage, she has managed to, after years of spiritual formation in Fundacja’s association, despite all difficulties, together with friends, she realized her dreamt project. This is how the very first kindergarten point “LOLEK”, which is staffed by Association of Alumni of Dzieło in the spirit of teaching of John Paul II, has been created.

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Łukasz Hinc
Łukasz Hinc
In Foundation since 2011

Those who know him say that he is incredibly positive person with a great heart. Łukasz is fourth year student of chemical technology course at Gdańsk University of Technology and a volunteer of ‘Trzeba marzyć’ Foundation in which he’s involved with all his heart and dedicates to it a lot of his free time. He’s keen on sport. He would be happy, if he had opportunity to tour exotic and culturally different places on Earth. He’s been part of scholars community of ‘Dzieło Nowego Tysiąclecia’ from 2011.

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Katarzyna Rudzka
Katarzyna Rudzka
In Foundation since 2013

Kasia – to the Foundation went through details from friendly priest. There she understood, that education is the way to change herself and the whole community. As she tells – being a scholar is a huge lesson of mercy and responsibility for her. The Foundation gave her the courage to seek other, so today she belongs to community of evangelization and youth community at hers congregation. Passion for learning, which is also developing thanks to the Foundations’ support – was stimulus to founding a school discussion club of behavioral economics, which she also leads. For her the most beautiful thing in other scholars is humility, that they are endowed.

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mln zloty spent for grants