Fellows in the Golden Room

In the Palace of Kazimierz – the oldest building of the Warsaw University, the Foundation Fellows’ participated in a meeting with the rector of Warsaw University, prof. Katarzyna Chałasińska-Macukow.

-Many students who have been studying for 5 years does not  have occasion to see the rector, remember this – said Fr. Jan Drob at the entrance to the Golden Hall, where he had held a meeting of scholars studying at the University of Warsaw with the rector of that university.

For most people in our 30-student’s group  it was, in fact, the first meeting with the rector. Probably that’s why we saw uncertainty and restraint in student’s eyes while  prof. Chałasińska-Macukow acrossed the threshold of the Golden Room. At the very beginning of the meeting the head of the Warsaw community – Aleksandra Grzybek along with Lukas Krawczyński handed out flowers and gifts for the rector of Warsaw University. Atmosphere , however, was becoming looser especially when  came the time to present scholarships – everyone had to say a few words about themselves – what are they studying and where do they come from. Rector was impressed with the variaty of regions  that aur fellows come from.

Prof. Katarzyna Chałasińska-Macukow said also few words about the good idea of ​​the Foundation itself, calling it – the most beautiful monument of John Paul II and one of the finest works of the Polish Church. Fr. Jan Drob  thanked for productive collaboration with the University of Warsaw.

At the end of the meeteng to our fellows  small gifts with the logo of the University were given. To commemorate this event, and as a reminder that the students –  Rector has said – are contributing to the university.
