Stipendists from Warsaw community met on 22nd April with seniors from Matki Bożej Królowej Polski parish in Warsaw within the projects “ Forever young”. The aim of workshops is to improve the quality of life of elderly people.
Seniors who attended the meeting were surprised that young people want to spend time in an active way with them. The workshop’s participants saw the film “Cyrk motyli” and took part in an interesting and strongly emotional discussion. There was also something for adorers of sweets – the cakes backed by the stipendists !
All of the social initiatives which take care of the elderly people’s mental and physical activities , thanks which they can create the relationships with others and be just useful by sharing their time, abilities and experience, are worth our attention. It makes possible to save and protect the value of the life.
~St. John Paul II
Integration, lack of loneliness, improvement quality of the life – there are only examples of the project “Forever young” aims. Stipendists want to pay attention at dangers with which seniors could face up and find the needy elderly people. The special volunteers will support them and help with the daily activities.
The meetings “Forever young” are going to take place each month at different parishes of Warsaw. Stipendists encourage everyone who want to help to join this project.
Tłumaczenie: Karina Rejs