On October 8th whole of Poland ‘goes forward in hope’

Let us go forward in hope!’ – under this banner we’re celebrating XVII Pope John Paul II Day, which takes place on October 8th 2017.

Especially visible sign of this high day will be public collection for Foundation ‘Work of the New Millennium’ scholarships fund. Many of spiritual and cultural events organized across the country – and also in Polish communities living abroad- will accompany this celebration.

The motto itself is already meaningful. It’s an invitation and a sign that through Pope John Paul II Day we’re reaching the depth of Polish Pope teaching, who by saying this words wants us to be witnesses of hope. During XVII Pope John Paul II Day in many polish towns take place evangelistic concerts, conferences, city games, performances, musicales and sports activities. Those events refer to John Paul II’s life and propagate his teaching.

Central Pope Day celebration will take place in Warsaw. That day scholars will be praying for foundation donors during holy mass conducted by card. Kazimierz Nycz at 12:00 p.m. in Temple of Divine Providence. Traditionally, after the holy mass, the Gala Concert will start. Foundation ‘Work of the New Millennium’ invites everyone to Template of Divine Providence or TVP1, where at 3.50 p.m. transmission of the concert starts. The day before Pope John Paul II Day – in Royal Castle during solemn gala transmitted by TVP2 – TOTUS TUUS prizes will be given.

In Tuesday, on October 10th, at Royal Castle will take place science conference entitled ‘Europe – crisis and hope’.

Pope John Paul II Day celebration will have nationwide character. On 8th October in Cracow at 10:00 a.m. in John Paul II Sanctuary holy mass will be conducted by cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz. In Katowice celebration will last even two weeks. Its program consists of musical ‘Dawid’ premiere and Gala Concert ‘Let us go forward in hope!’ in veneration od saint Pope.

Celebrating this year Pope John Paul II Day we want to promote Christian vision of hope, of which protagonist and witness was saint Jon Paul II.

You can show your support to scholarship program by paying into Foundation account number: 81 1320 1104 2979 6023 2000 0001, sending a text message saying ‘POMOC’ to 74265 number or calling 704407401.