Yellow t-shirts in Kraków – # FDNTnaŚDM

There are hundreds of young people from all around the world, and among them – the „Dzieło Nowego Tysiąclecia” Foundation scholarship holders.During the World Youth Day in Kraków it wasn’t hard to find yellow scarves and t-shirts with the Foundation’s logo.

They have already begun preparing for the World Youth Day several months ago. As the volunteers they were involved in organizing the events in dioceses and their own parishes. They were also supporting the Organizing Committee, preparing everything in Kraków. For many months they were devoting their time, putting their hearts and souls into preparing the World Youth Day.

And they continue doing it even now. Many scholarship holders are volunteers in Kraków. With their presence they support bishops and priests form all around the world, as well as young people, who had to travel a long way to be there, in Kraków. They provide people with a helping hand, open their hearts. They serve as translators, guides, photographers, counselors. They are ready to help at any time.

They are always smiling. They perform every task with joy in their hearts. Everything they do is for the glory of God. All in all, the arrival of the Pope isn’t something common. Not everyone has the chance to experience such a wonderful event in Kraków. It probably won’t happen again.

Wearing yellow scarves and t-shirts, with smiles on their faces and orange „Volunteer” bands – that’s the picture of our scholarship holders during the World Youth Day in Kraków. They are present there, to show how their gratitude for the Foundation and its Friends, and also to share with world all the good they received. Because good always comes back, as the scholarship holders repeatedly find out.