The students’ summer camp started on 19th July in Wadowice, near Krakow. We celebrated 35th anniversary of naming Karol Wojtyła a pope and we connected by prayers with the Pope Francis who met the young people from all over the world in Rio de Janeiro.

We visited Krakow and  also Kalwaria Zebrzydowska – a sanctuary visited in the past by young Karol Wojtyła. sanktuarium, do którego często pielgrzymował młody Karol Wojtyła oraz Kraków.

The citizens of Wadowice were very helpful and nice. It was very nice to walk through the town of our idol Karol Wojtyła. We saw the placec where he lived. We preapred also a concert and a fest for children.

On Sunday there was a mass celebrated by Celestino Migliore.